Fresh out of the oven


Hi friends! Sorry I haven’t blogged in awhile! I have been getting back into the routine of school and dance. I haven’t made any appearances since Spot the Dog but here is what has been going on in my life.

-I started school. Whoo!

-I took 5 more people’s pictures

-My sister went to college.:(

-My dad ran in a triatholon

-I went to Seattle for a weekend trip

-My doggy got beat up by the neighbor dogs

Thats about it so far! It has been relaxing and busy at the same time. During church today I realized something.

My life is like a batch of cookies. God is the chef and I am the dessert. As I grew up He mixed together all of the necessary ingredients to make a delicious finished product. He  put in the bowl all the right materials I would need in order to accomplish things in my life. Then He put me in the oven to cook. He kept me in there to nuture me, teach me and let me “rise” to my fullest potential. When the time is right He is going to take me out of the oven and have a wonderful magnificent batch of cookies. These cookies are going to be eaten by people and then they are going to have a little bit of Jesus in them. It’s what I call shining His light in this world. I think God put extra chocolate into my batch. 🙂 What kind of cookie are you? 

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